
Submission Deadline: 23:59 (11:59 pm) Pacific Time on, Sunday, September 15, 2024 Sunday, September 22, 2024.

Submission File

Submissions will contain the location of EV charging stations deployed in Georgia. The following table describes the column name, type, and description. A geopackage file is to be submitted.
Variable Name Type Description
id String Uniquely identifiable name for the charging station
latitude float Up to 6 decimal places
longitude float Up to 6 decimal places
capacity Integer The total number of spots for the charging station.
We will not accept multiple file submissions: all EV charging station locations should be combined into a single GeoPackage file. An accompanying README should be provided that would describe the submission. A GeoPackage with your solution to should:
  1. Be named “ev_charging_stations_[team_name].gpkg”
  2. Have an identical column format to the “ev_charging_stations_training.gpkg” file, including the following columns: id, latitude, longitude, capacity, operating_hours, charger_type, and other relevant variables.
  3. Be in the EPSG:3857 (“WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator”) coordinate reference system, the same as the input rasters and all provided GeoPackage files.
  4. All locations should be inside the Area of Interest.
Please ensure your submission is complete and correctly formatted before submitting it to the organizers.

Submission Link

When your final solution is ready, SUBMIT your answer using the SIGSPATIAL GISCup 2024 Email Submission ( . Please make sure your answers are final and code is complete before submitting.

Evaluation Procedure

Details tba.

Awards & Prizes

Through a generous donation from W. Randolph Franklin, the top three (3) submissions to GISCup 2024 will receive prizes of $2500 USD, $1,500, and $1,000, for entries ranked #1-3, respectively. To receive the travel grants through GISCup, individuals should submit a travel grant application through the travel grant application and highlight they are GISCup participants in appropriate questions.

Google has indicated it will supply Google Cloud Services cloud-computing credits to the top three (3) submissions as well. The exact amounts of these credits are being finalized and will be posted shortly.

Travel grant awardees will be contacted by the SigSpatial travel grant committee after winners are determined. Monetary awards and AWS credits will be distributed during the SigSpatial conference in November.