Poster and Demo Instructions

The poster and demo sessions are the places where authors of Poster Papers and Data & Resources Papers and Demonstration Papers showcase their work and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. Hence, it is important that you shape your work in an attractive way and keep your message clear and noticeable to attract people who might have an interest in your work. Please carefully follow the instructions below.

  1. Poster Preparation: All the Poster, Data & Resources, and Demo papers should prepare a poster to be displayed during the appropriate Demo and/or Poster Session as indicated in the program at

Note: The poster presentation is mandatory. Papers without a poster presented during the conference will be removed from the conference proceedings.

The size of your poster should be no more than 36 inches wide and 48 inches tall, and in portrait orientation. The front desk will provide you with material to attach it to the poster stands. Please do not make a poster larger than the recommended size.

Carefully design your poster. We request that the poster contains

  • the paper number
  • the title, authors, and affilliations

You need to print your poster and bring it to the conference. On the day of your poster session, approach the registration desk for instructions for when and where to set up your poster.

  1. Demo Preparation: Only Demo paper authors need to prepare a demo in addition to the poster.

The presenter should bring their own laptops and devices. Wireless Internet will be available throughout the conference venue. We will try to provide demo paper authors with access to electrical outlets, but please prepare for the scenario where they may not be available to you. If you definitely need power, contact us in advance such that we can arrange with the hotel! The presenter should prepare a demonstration of your system that you can periodically give to those assembled around your table throughout the reception.

  1. Video Preparation for Lightning Talks Session

For each Poster Paper (and Poster Papers only) there will also be a short video presentation during the Lighting Talks session. During this session, short videos -- without audio! -- are played while the presenter has a chance of saying a few words. While your video is on display, you are expected to do some marketing for your poster . Your time on stage is limited by the length of the video as the next video will immediately start after the previous video is completed - so keep in time.

The videos must be prepared in Full HD resolution using MPEG4 and a sufficiently high quality, without (!) audio. We encourage you to use two or three slides to showcase the poster and attract people to your poster. Powerpoint slides can be set to play automatically and exported to a suitable video. Remember to start the video with content that takes into account that you have to step up to the stage and grab the microphone. For example, a first slide with title, name, affilliation information for about 30 seconds is good practice. The remaining time can be used for one or two more slides or videos. The maximum time per video is 1 minute and 50 seconds.

We will announce a video upload link via email including more technical information. Video presentation is mandatory and videos have to be submitted by October 22, 2024.

  1. Poster and Demo Awards

In order to encourage the authors of poster and demo papers to participate in the conference and introduce their work, the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS organizing committee has instituted two awards for the poster and demo authors, which will be honored during the banquet.

Please contact the Demo/Poster Co-Chairs if you have any questions.